Farbleiste X-Net


by admin last modified 2019-07-30T14:09:25+01:00
ZAUM linking of creative people and producers ZAUM online platform for presentation of products and ideas
The online platform ZAUM links Upper Austrian creative people with producers and gives them the possibility to present themselves together. The users receive a simple tool to find producers, but also other creative people, quickly and easily.  Producers are given the opportunity to discover and realise interesting ideas.

Project Description

ZAUM is a novel online platform with intuitive handling. It handles demand and supply and stimulates regional networking between creative people, producers and end consumers. Mainly micro-enterprises get the chance to attractively present them straightforward, to network and to efficiently realise new products.

The innovative efficacy triangle enables the publication of ideas through producers and creative people and the subscription of demand for end users. They can e.g. ask for special fabrications and producers and/or creative people can get into contact with the end consumer.

X-Net Farbleiste

Key data of the project

Project start: July 2013

Project duration: 48 months

X-Net Farbleiste