Farbleiste X-Net

CrAc - Cooperative Activities

by admin last modified 2019-07-30T14:00:08+01:00
CrAc Cooperative Activities Representative of consortium partner of CrAc
Non-profit organizations, open source communities or cooperations of companies are characterised through activities that participants mostly provide honorary. The research project CrAc developed a proof-of-concept prototype that supports the collaboration of protagonists in volunteer organizations.

Project Description

The collaboration in non-profit organizations, in open source communities or in cooperations of companies is characterised through a similar way of thinking and through comparable interests of the participants. In the majority of cases the completion of the tasks requires collaboration. Due to a responsibility assignment that mostly is uncoordinated and unbalanced, the task fulfillment takes place supoptimally. Potential and motivation of the participants are slowed down and the lacking technical support can result in a minimized effectiveness of the activities.

The aim of CrAc is the development of interdisciplinary concepts basing on the profile of the participants that allows a dynamic assignment of collaborative tasks. Profiles of tasks and participants as well as the responsibility assignment should be continuously adapted to the real conditions taking into account the evaluation of the task fulfillment. Thereby the effectiveness of volunteering should be increased and the creative potential within the volunteer organizations should be stimulated.

The concepts were prototypical implemented in the form of a software framework that is independent of a certain domain to attain a responsibility assignment that is efficient, adequate and balanced. Participants that acted passively up to now should be motivated to complete tasks and participants that are heavily involved should be relieved.

X-Net Farbleiste

Project partners

Logo FFG


The project has received funding from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) in the national structural program COIN - 'Cooperation and Networks'.

X-Net Farbleiste